Photo by Dakota Roos on Unsplash

Understanding Kubernetes GVR

What is the GVR in Kubernetes? It stands for Group Version Resource and this is what drives the Kubernetes API Server structure. We will cover exactly what the terminology means for Groups, Versions, Resources (and Kinds) and how they fit into the Kubernetes API. Kind Kinds in Kubernetes relate to the object you are trying to interact with. A pod or deployment would be your Kind. There are three categories of Kinds...

June 17, 2020 · David Dymko
Photo by Alex Duffy on Unsplash

Private Container Registry on Kubernetes

This guide is meant to help you configure a private container registry running on your Kubernetes cluster that is backed by an S3 backend. What you will need: Basic working knowledge of Kubernetes A running Kubernetes cluster: We will using Kubernetes resources such as Load Balancers that require cloud provider support. Basic working knowledge of Helm Valid Domain All of the instructions in this guide can be swapped out for your cloud provider of choice with minor changes....

May 24, 2020 · David Dymko

Traefik with Let’s encrypt and Docker

Overview What is Traefik? Traefik is a load balancer and HTTP reverse proxy that makes working with microservices and integrating with your infrastructure seamless. As you you see above Traefik will allow you to define public routes that the internet can access which will then get routed to a docker container. These publicly accessible routes are called “frontend-rules” which get routed to “backends”. What will you learn? By the end of this article you will learn how to setup Traefik to route http traffic to your Docker containers and have these calls go through HTTPS with Lets Encrypt....

July 25, 2019 · David Dymko
Photo by ammiel jr on Unsplash

Deploy Kubernetes with kubeadm

Overview This post is meant to help you get a Kubernetes cluster up and running with kubeadm in no time. This guide will be using Vultr to deploy two servers, one master and one worker, however you can deploy as many servers as you would like. So what is kubeadm? Kubeadm is a tool developed by Kubernetes which allows you to create a minimum viable cluster up and running by following best practices....

May 27, 2019 · David Dymko

Deploy docker images with concourse

During one of my recent projects, I needed to find a new CI/CD service that could meet my needs. This service needed to be lightweight, affordable, and offer me the ability to define my workflow in code. Enter Concourse CI. This isn’t your grandpa’s CI, Concourse CI is a free, open source CI written in Go and Elm. With all my criteria met, I decided to give it a shot and I was quickly won over....

March 19, 2019 · David Dymko